Sunday, February 3, 2013

1000 Point Eldar/Tau List

Here will be listed my 1000 point Eldar - Tau army.

For 6th edition, my goal is to run an infantry army with the focus of manipulating range and maintaining ranged superiority.

To achieve those two goals (manipulating and maintaining) I have devised a list that allows me flexibility as well as a range gradient.

Primary Detachment - Eldar
Avatar of Khaine

 - 14x
 - Brightlance

Dire Avengers
 - 5x
 - Exarch w/ Assault 4 Avenger Catapult, Bladestorm

Dire Avengers
 - 5x
 - Exarch w/ Assault 4 Avenger Catapult, Bladestorm


War Walker
 - Scatter Laser
 - Scatter Laser

War Walker
 - Scatter Laser
 - Scatter Laser

Secondary Detachment - Tau
Shas'el Crisis Suit
 - Twin Plasma
 - Missle Pod
 - HW-TL
 - HW-MT

Fire Warriors
 - 12x Warriors
 - Pulse Rifles
Fire Warriors
 - 6x Warriors
 - Shas'ui
 - Pulse Carbines

Stealth Suits
 - 3x
 - Fusion Blaster

The range gradient refers to the distances at which I can engage the opponent. The gradient applies to the 36" War Walkers to the 12" Guardians (excepting the Brightlance).

This means that I have the ability to damage my opponent at a variety of ranges, and my army is not limited to a single range profile.

The army has the ability to shoot high volumes of fire at varied distances without being hindered at any singular distance in terms of effectiveness. As well, the range lends itself to the army's maneuverability with long range units creating arcs of fire that limit the dangers of moving the shorter range units up-field by suppressing the opponent with ranged and volatile fire.

The shorter ranged units lend themselves to trapping the opponent in a closer firing arc where both the Fire Warriors and Eldar aspect warriors can remove whole units in single phases. The short ranged Eldar infantry are supported by the Avatar's fearless bubble and field presence. If left untended to, the Avatar will punish the opponent when coming in to close.

The ultimate downfall to the army is combat readiness in close quarters. The dangers in forcing your opponent to come close (which is the ultimate goal of the range gradient, ironically) allows them equal opportunity to literally 'punch you in the face.' When the opponent has become snared inside the preferred range of the army (15"-18" usually) the volatility of the weaponry comes into play, but only if you are able to accurately maintain a safe distance from closing opposing units. The 15"-18" range can allow for this army to be within charging distance but effectively deny any charges. This is done by maintaining the correct distance or location on the field and doing enough damage to extend the distance (since models are removed from the front) between your units and the opponent.

This is not foolproof and therefore will not work as planned ever. To a degree it may, but the opposing force must be respectably weakened before you allow them to come within punching distance, else you are placing the odds drastically against you.

For the 1500 point installment the addition of a Seer Council and a pair of Vypers are due. More over, the manipulation of the numbers of Guardians and Dire Avengers will done so that there are a greater number of Dire Avengers available on the board for the 1500 point list. 

Please comment or email me to tell me what you think and some discussion on the list proposition. Thanks much!

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