First is Shas'el Boba Fett. Obviously not the actual Boba Fett figurine from any Lucasarts studio, but modeled with the same load out as I imagined he would have, had Fett been in the 40k universe.
I did a sort of "camo" look on him. Nothing really special. I used a 9:1 ratio of black to a forest like green, thinned with water, and applied as a base coat wash. from their I used thinned down forest greens using differing ratios of black and green to get solid, dark green edges (as to provide shadow effects within the recesses). I then stippled on layers of brighter shades of green to get a camouflage affect. I've only got the armor and face details done, still have to buy some of those new Citadel paints first.
This is my "Death Rain" equivalent crisis suit. He is still a work in progress, I've started on doing the glow effects on his jet pack (you can't see them in the picture) and I've also begun doing some weapon effects. What that means is that I painted on some glowing "energy" style visuals on the flamers and burst cannon to make them look high-tech. I did it with shades of red,black, oranges and yellow seeing as his primary weapon is a flamer. I also continued that trend for the Crisis Suit's head, painting it red to signify his battlefield occupation. I will eventually be running three of them, and they will be my burna' unit.
Above are two Fire Warriors, one with pulse rifle and the other with a pulse carbine, along with a Fusion blaster Stealth Suit. All are works in progress, but with minimal details remaining. I have to add some flavor, of sorts, to their bases - give some detail to the bushes. These are just a ton of fun to paint. I do feel that my paint scheme is not very photogenic because the details are very subtle, but oh well.
At the moment I have five out of twelve fire warriors at the same stage as those depicted. I have one crisis suit bodyguard with his head and plasma rifles painted. I have a spotter drone who is right about complete, and I'll post his pictures up in a few days. I also have a second Stealth Suit painted, but everything else is primed and base coated right now, with the exception of my drones.
Happy Wargaming!!!
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