Sunday, December 9, 2012

Let the Worlds Drown! Beginnings of an Eldar Army

Long time since I've posted. School has really picked up, and mid-terms just around the corner (less than two weeks, yikes!).
I've decided on creating a 1500 point Eldar army, to carry my infantry-insanity across a new spectrum of the 40k universe. As I've got Space Marine infantry, Imperial Guard infantry, and Tau infantry armies built (but not completed) I've wanted something new, something fresh. So, I went to one of the oldest books (the irony is blatant, isn't it?).

My paint brushes will here the call of smooth, lucious curvitures and exuberant colorations within the week! My Eldar army shall come to fruition! 
Here is my paint scheme that I plan on using. 
I also needed to get away from the monotony of imperial armor and infantry, and expand not only the model types but also the play style and color schematics. Red! Lots of red! Out with the lovely green, in with the majesty of Red! 

I will have, hopefully, 1500 points of Eldar, and eventually 1500 of Marines and IG as well. By the end of 2013 I should have 1500 fully painted of all three armies, and 750 of tau fully constructed and painted. Good times!

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