Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tau/Eldar 1500 Army List

Hey all!
Here's my take on the new Codex: Tau Empire. I utilize the ability to put out extreme fire power and some of the more unique combinations of upgrades with the Commander XV8-05 Suits. The goal is to utilize the immense close range fire output and synergy of the tau.

The Eldar detachment serves to further 'upgrade' the fire power of the Tau, allowing for greater ranged vollies of high strength fire so my more devastating unites such as the commander Shadowblight bomb can get up close and wipe entire units. Moonblight and the plasma units will work in tandem with Shadowblight to over power specific units, and the fire warriors will support and clean up the mess, as well as initiate other engagements so as to lessen the pressure on the forward ranks. The jetbikes will protect the farseer - who in turn guides his War Walkers. Stealth Teams enhance the Jump Shoot Jump strategy and the 18" death zone of the army as a whole. As well as, with their durability, providing a final reserve late in the game of fire power that could make the difference between holding or contesting an objective.

I've already won my first game with a 1000 point strictly Tau rendition of this army. Ultimately I plan on entering tournaments. Expect pictures of the paint schemes soon!

Commander Moonblight
Missile Pod
Drone Controller
Command and Control Node
Target Lock
2x Marker Drones

Drone Squadron (Joined to Moonblight)
4x Marker Drones

Commander Shadowblight
Onager Gauntlet
Fusion Blaster
Cyclic Ion Blaster
Vectored Retro Thrusters
Shield Generator
2x Gun Drones

Close Assault Crisis Team (Joined to Shadowblight)
2x Suits w/ 2x Fusion Blasters, Burst Cannons
1x Suit w/ Missile Pod, Fusion Blaster, Target Lock

Immediate Response Crisis Team
3x suits w/ 2x plasma rifles

Fire Warriors
7x w/ 1x Shas’ui w/ PC, ML, TL

Fire Warriors
7x w/ 1x Shas’ui w/ PC, ML, TL

Fire Warriors
7x w/ 1x Shas’ui w/ PC, ML, TL

Fire Warriors
7x (w/ PC) w/ 1x Shas’ui w/ PR, ML, TL

Stealth Suits
4x w/ Stimulants, 1x Fusion Blaster

Jetbike, Singing Spear, Guide, Runes of Witnessing

War Walkers
2x w/ 2x Scatter Lasers Ea.

Guardian Jetbikes
3x Jetbike Guardians

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