Primaris Psyker Chester, originaly from the planet of Nocturne, has been present in several campaigns involving the Eastern Fringe and engagements with several Tau Cadres - most notably on Taros as well as a covert "overwatch" mission of Commander Farsight.
His prowess is little known, but exists - he was born to a more traditional name of Charles Moranth Karr'd. He was a disturbing child whose obsession with devlish, psychic machinations led to the Empire's skeptical eye.
His strength proved infalliable - during those testing trials in which the Imperium weeds out the weakest of the mentally inclined, Charles survived in the most commical of fashions. His laughter rang through halls and echoed in the chambers as he murderously declined any advances or challenges to destroy his person. He was the jester of the Primaris Psykers. His name soon developed into "Chester."
On Taros Chester was given command of a storm trooper squad ordered to infiltrate and destroy a major Tau resource cache. Armed with ten men and a Devil Dog, Chester and Schnick's Errant battled their way through smoldering tunnels and trench systems. Half the squad and the Devil Dog were recorded as Missing in Their Time of Need. No one truly know's their story - excepting, possibly, Chester himself. Taros concluded in failure by and large, though the Schnick's Errant successfully disabled a major Tau emplacement near the front lines of the conflict, nothing came to fruition from their efforts and sacrifices.
Heavy doubt shrouded Chester for the entirety of his Imperial Psyker career - servitude, more the like. He was stationed as a co-commanding officer with the 2nd Co. of the Burnside Regiment. A hardy group of Guardsmen with close ties to the 4th Ulysses Armored Company. The battle force consisted of a command squad, reserved platoon, and an assortment of specialized veterans gathered and hardened from across the galaxy.
Permanently reassigned from near the Eye of Terror to the far Eastern Fringe of the Empire, the Nadir company (as they had so labeled themselves) was tasked with monitoring Tau activities and engagements - providing military influence when necessary.
Nadir Company had also served on Taros, as security and protection for evacuations. Such an operation left them devastated and undermanned. Chester came to them as they were just returning to normalcy after the failure of Taros. His presence further deterred the failing coherency of the ragged troops.
As of late, while in an effort to trail Commander Farsight, the Company Commander - Senior Officer Blake-Broude - officially detached his unit from the Imperium. For what and why is not yet known, but it can be safely assumed that Chester's nascent induction into the battle-worn troop at the same time is no coincidence. In fact, the troop now fights in brotherhood with heretical Tau detachments. Assumedly the Splinter Cadre, of whom all members of the Nadir Company have strong ties to through engagements through out the system.
Chester's most recent engagement involved a bought with a small detachment of Eldar infantrymen.
Chester met his match in the opposing Farseer - his mighty powers were far to much even for Chester's cunning. However, Commander Blake-Boude and his heavy artillery allies from the 4th Ulysses Armor made short work of the feeble Eldar and their trickery. Notable Nadir loses were that of a entire Veteran Squad, partial fire warrior squad, and one of the Commander's court of Officers.
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